When the destiny is already made...

.... Must choose astrology as a Guide

- Vakkantham Chandra Mouli

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Welcome to Janmakundali

Lives of people are looped in a program called 'Karma'. It is a common saying that “we get what we give; but we may not understand the origin of what we get, as it may not come from the same source where we have given.” Therefore, we at ‘Janmakundali’, through Vedic Astrology, analyze all such complexities of life & find out situations that are likely to affect individual’s life and provide appropriate remedial measures.


know about astrology

The word Astrology comes from the Greek word ‘Astro’ which means, ‘something related to outer space, i.e., planets, stars, or other celestial bodies’; and ‘logos/logy’ which implies ‘to study’. Hence, Astrology is the study of movement, relative position of celestial bodies in space, and its correlation with the events occurring in human life on Earth and the natural world. It is based on the natal position of planets that gives an individual a complete picture of his/her life.

Since the beginning of human life on Earth, although the Science has significantly developed by bounds and limits, increasing our rational thinking and knowledge many-fold, the divine Vedic Astrology has remained to play a fundamental role in our lives.

Vedic Astrology is a Science as well as an Art that has aimed to unfold and reduce the doubts & uncertainties of our life, thereby helping us to follow our own right path. It provides us the ‘Karmic Analysis’, i.e., the clarification about ins and outs of our Karmic aura surrounding us and its influence on our life. It finally blends several related methods to make relevant future predictions and brings answers to all the unknown questions, teaching us the purpose of life and showing us the way to salvation as accurately as possible.

Vedic Astrology also throws light on the nature of uncertainty and gives you the remedial measures to overcome the difficult times and plan a better future in terms of health, family, profession, property, wealth, and other similar things which are necessary for ones’ survival.

why choose us

We at ‘Janmakundali’ attempt to answer all the dubious cumbersome questions that an individual encounters in one’s daily life and makes them wander the purpose of their birth. We help & counsel people to know about their "Karma", make them realize the capabilities they possess, and provide them the real meaning of their life by suggesting suitable remedial measures & future predictions.

Expert Astrologers

Unlike other astrology websites, where expert astrologers are called for a particular time-frame to increase the hit ratio of the website, here I sole-handedly tackle all the queries of my clients with utmost sincerity. I am like a One-man army with no panel of experts, whose sole motive is to provide the most accurate possible remedies and predictions. I can be like your family astrologer where you get the benefit to directly interact with me on a one-to-one basis, as and when required.

I was born in a traditional Brahmin family in a remote village near Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh. My areas of expertise include- Numerology, Vastushastra, and Indian Traditional “Chandramana” method of Astrology.

Instant Access Worldwide

I am instantly available to my clients across the globe by just single click on this website. I have an existing client base worldwide viz. in, U.S, UK, Canada, etc. The netizens can watch my programme titled ‘Sreekaram’ streamed on ‘iDream Devotional Channel’ at YouTube. My well-renowned programme named ‘Sreekaram Subhakaram’ is presently aired daily at 7:30 A.M. on Zee Telugu Channel (which is one of the leading Telugu channels). In this programme, I make zodiac predictions in Telugu language along with deliberations on many useful topics dealing with Numerology, Astrology, Vaastu, importance of our Rituals, Customs, Traditions, Festivals, etc.

Accurate Remedial Solutions

I believe in client’s guidance & satisfaction rather than misleading them in order to make money. I provide cost-effective & economically viable insightful solutions along with future guidance and predictions so as to lead a happy life. By providing the Date of Birth, Time of Birth, and Place of Birth, I make a detailed ‘Janmakundali’ of an individual, and then answer their queries.

I not only inform what is to be done or what not to be done but also tell my client’s when it is to be done. I directly tell all the possible solutions present for a particular problem that can be easily performed by an individual at home. In case of exigencies, where it is the need and demand of the situation to perform any ritual, I guide the individual to get that appropriate ritual/sacrifice done along with the point of time when it is to be performed. I also inform what all things are not to be done at any particular instance of life so as to mitigate the repercussions of any event on one’s life.

Privacy Guaranteed

I believe in one-to-one direct telephonic interaction, respecting one’s constitutionally recognized Right to Privacy. Only the individual and their immediate family members (i.e., their parents and/or their siblings) can ask any question related to them. All the provided details are kept secretly and safely with us.

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21 March - 19 April
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